It’s no secret that many people don’t take their prescribed medications as directed. This can be due to a variety of reasons. Many studies show there are various adverse side effects when you don’t take your medications correctly.

So how can you ensure that you get the most out of your prescriptions? Apart from following a drug safety expert advice, here are other tips:

  1. Talk To Your Doctor

If you have concerns about your prescribed medications, don’t hesitate to communicate with your doctor. If something doesn’t sound right or if the drug isn’t working as well as it should be, ask for a new prescription before deciding. Every individual is different, and what works for somebody else may not necessarily work for you.

  1. Know The Medications You’re Taking

Keep a detailed list of all medications you are taking, and make sure that your doctor knows everything. You can also ask for a written prescription with instructions on how to take the pill properly so that it does not interfere with other medicines or supplements. Talk to your pharmacist if you need help interpreting any parts of the prescription.

  1. Reduce The Medications’ Side Effects

The side effects of a medication are often what make it hard to stick with. The doctor may help minimize these side effects by lowering the dosage or changing your intake schedule.

When you go in for follow-up visits, ask about changes that could reduce side effects and how they might affect your condition.

  1. Enlist Home Care

Some people may need help with a number of tasks that are necessary to maintain their health. This includes taking medications, bathing, and dressing, getting out of bed daily, or even eating food.

If you’re this person’s caregiver, it is important to learn how best to provide these services to make sure they get as much benefit from prescribed medication as possible.

  1. Include Taking Medications Into Your Routine

Incorporate your medications into your daily routine as much as possible. This will allow you to remember to take them more consistently. For example, if you have a morning medication that needs an evening dose, set the alarm on your phone for this period, so it’s easier to follow through with taking both doses in one day.

Find out what times of day are most convenient for you and schedule appointments around these windows. That way, you’ll avoid any confusion about whether or not you’ve taken all prescribed doses before heading off for work or school.

  1. Store Your Medicine Well

If you are taking a medication that requires refrigeration, be sure to store it in the fridge. If you don’t have a fridge, keep your medicines out of direct sunlight and away from any heat sources. This includes both ovens and microwaves.

A recent study found that over 50% of people kept their medications at room temperature, making them more ineffective or even destroyed by high temperatures.

In rare cases, this can result in severe health complications such as liver damage if too much acetaminophen builds up in the system.

Wrapping Up

Too often, people stop taking their medication because they do not know how to take it properly. For those looking for ways to get more from their prescriptions, these tips should helpthem to feel better and leadhealthier lives.