If you want to get emergency funds, then this article is a practical guide for you. First, we would like to start with the basics, that is, – What is an Emergency Fund. An emergency fund is savings set aside to pay for large or unforeseen expenses. In general words, emergency funds and financial security are very similar to each other.

How much do you have to save monthly? 

Commonly, we suggest you save at least equivalent of 2-3 months worth of your living expenses in an emergency fund. Hence, the larger emergency funds help you ensure and handle the large setback of finance.

Its main goal tends towards a larger amount. Start by looking back at the expenses and costs from the last few months to determine how much money you spend based on your daily activities and how much you save monthly. You have to consider the online savings account opening under emergency funds, so it is suggested to avoid spending money on it.

In this section, it is suggested to figure out the budget on how much you need the emergency funds every month. Then, it is suggested to choose the budgeting method that best fits you.

Set the emergency funds goal

It is now more necessary than past to set the funds goal for the emergency funds and celebrate the milestones along the way of the emergency funds.

Create the most one-time opportunities to save

It is also crucial to consider the particular time when you get the overflow of funds every year. There is the need to urge resist the fund to spend on it and move towards the emergency funds. When you are planning to save money for emergency funds, then there are various options to find.

Savings account online for a win.

Hence, the additional savings account interest rate also contributes to your savings. It is a great way to set up your budget. You can move towards the extra savings into the online savings account as per your requirements.

If you leave the money with you by the end of the month, then you can add the amount of money to your savings account. It is always suggested to consider the interest rate, minimum account balance, service charges, and transaction charges while opening a savings account online.

Investment in liquid funds

It is the low-risk option for liquid funds investment. It is considered the type of mutual fund that is invested in the resident maturity and the securities of up to 91 days. The cost of penalty and investment for the withdrawal is nil.


In this article, you will get information on the hacks that you must know on the basis of the savings account online that come under the category of emergency funds.